In a previous post I talked about ‘sharing your passions’ and in particular my passion of Classic Cars. In this post, I would like to talk a bit more about passion.

Passion is perhaps one of ther most over used words in the English Language today. Everything we read seems to talk about passion, from customer service (this is our passion) to products being sold (we are passionate about our products). Almost every article on blogging talks about having a passion, but what is a passion?

One definition that I particularly like is:

“Passion is what motivates us to do the things we love. It is that strong desire that allows you to create something extraordinary—the fuel that keeps the fire burning. Being passionate about something gives you a sense of purpose. It gives you that feeling of significance—the feeling that you are meant to do great things in life.”

Another book I read commented that: “To achieve goals, you have to have passion built into them” it went on to discuss the difference between desire and passion and how to desire something (for example a Rolex watch) is one thing, but Passion is refusing to live without the thing you desire. To fulfill your passion you might have to set a goal (for example, find out how much a Rolex watch will cost you and how you are going to raise the money for it).

Tony Robbins, the renowned business coach and strategist commented that “passion comes from the heart, not the head” and suggested “10 ways to find your passion in life”

Personally, I think that if you are interested in something enough to want to write about it, then you are already aware of your passion, but if you are unsure, then just type “passion in life” into Google and you will get about 1,310,000,000 results!

You don’t have to be passionate about something to write a Blog or develop a website, but it will make your online journey much easier, because you will feel more comfortable writing about it, and more motivated to keep writing.

If one follows simple Psychology (or even management theory) then you will probably be aware of Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs” which was a theory put forward in 1943 and still commonly referred to that people have 5 stages of need:

Firstly, Physiological needs, the needs for food, water, warmth and rest.

Secondly is the desire to be safe, and secure

Thirdly comes our need for love, friendship and company.

Fourthly is our need for social recognition, status and respect.

Finally, is the need for fulfilment or achieving one’s potential.

From this, I believe it is possible to define our passions and it is easy to see that many websites are developed and blogs written about people’s passions, spanning all of life’s needs, from food, which we all have an interest in, right through to achieving potential, which might be a desire or passion to build the biggest, best or most authoritative blog, although the latter might be a bit ambitious if you are just starting out!

Tony Robbins wrote of 9 things to be passionate about ( which he listed as:

  1. Personal growth
  2. Creative pursuits
  3. Mindfulness
  4. New experiences
  5. Your career
  6. Your family
  7. Your relationship
  8. Your well-being
  9. Giving back

You might therefore be passionate and wish to write about any of these topics, but you must be conscious of your purpose and if you are writing for yourself (to unburden yourself or gain self-satisfaction), or to reach an audience, especially if you want to reach a wider audience.

Writing about your family might be fine if you are one of the Kardashians or even the Osbournes, but not so much if you are a single parent living in a flat in North London!

Some of the most profitable niche ideas and thus most written about in 2023 are:

  • Make Money Online
  • Finance
  • Travel or Outdoor
  • Fitness
  • Self Help and Personal Development
  • Relationships
  • Lifestyle
  • Property

My passion (cars) is something that I have been interested in since I was 4 or 5 years old, it has remained with me throughout my life and interests me even 65 years later (although I confess my interest in modern cars has waned somewhat, but my interest in the cars of my younger life remain as strong as ever). Having defined my passion I hope that I can develop an online presence in that niche that develops a following from those who share that passion, and in writing this blog encourage others to make the most of their passions.

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